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Side Scan Sonar Imaging

Side scan sonar imaging is a very useful tool when you need detailed images of the river or lake bottom. Facilitated by our hydrographers, Nelosca can deliver a wide range of options when it comes to in depth underwater inspections.  Scour and erosion damage around marine based infrastructure is visible in this type of survey. 

This tool uses acoustic imaging to capture bottom details when there is little-to-no visibility.  Images can be georeferenced and even draped over the contours of a 3D bathymetric model. Often times it is used in conjunction with a high-quality bathymetric survey.  


Download our Marine Construction Services Brochure

Nelosca Technologies specializes in marine construction projects throughout the inland waters of the United States.  Download our brochure here to learn more about our industrial dock and barge terminal construction capabilities and other services that we offer.